Personal data on electronic devices is a critical point. First of all, to use it safely, it is advisable not to keep the lock code on a notepad near your device. There are just a few small steps that make electronic devices much safer. But these things must be done manually. If you use an automated program to check the settings for you, this is also very risky.
Nowadays it is not impossible not to exchange data with other companies, but this is less convenient than using many „free“ services. Let’s start with cell phones. Once the GSM system (digital version of cell phone communication) is launched, any phone can be tracked. After the beginning of the smartphone era, many more ways of collecting personal data are possible. Everyone uses a lot of „free“ services, a search engine, maps with the possibility to click on the street and you can see a 360-degree camera view and many other different useful tools. But where does the money for the company come from?
It is easy to say that the company does not have to do this. Everyone has his own decision whether to use this tool or not. And if I want to use this tool, I have to take care of my personal data. By paying for some tools, I can be more sure (we never be 100% sure 😉 ) that there is no unwanted data transfer.
Data acquisition is not only a digital problem. There are a lot of games where you can win many different prizes for free. The customer only has to fill out the form and many people do this only too often.
Data snatching is not only a technical problem, it is also a problem for thinking, what I do. I don’t mean here all the illegal data hackers that hack different systems. This is a different problem. But the more things we use online, the more possible it is to be hacked.
So keep save and don’t write your password on a sticky note of the bottom of your keyboard.