Thing 15+16: Online Notetaking and Sharing and be organised

I love making notes digitally. If I do it on small pieces of paper, I easily lose them. Years ago, during my studies, we all got papers in digital form(PDF, Word, PowerPoint or similar). At that time, I was looking for a tool that could manage them best. First I tried Notability. It works well but is only available for Mac computers. It works, but not perfectly. I put on a PC with the ability to write on the screen. I have tried several note-taking tools, but the best for me was and is OneNote. I can use it on several platforms. There are mobile versions too. It’s easy to use different worksheets and pages. Importing different info is also very easy. Importing via the print function or copy-paste is easy. Everything works perfectly. I used it intensively during my studies. I was on the road a lot and always had everything I needed to study with me, without several kilos of paper.

While working in the office, I also started using OneNote to take all the notes about our different projects. I also started sharing this info with my team. This function also works very well. At the moment I use 3 different notebooks and I can always find all the information easily through the search function.

For anyone who needs to take notes during different meetings and on different projects, I recommend trying OneNote.

I also use the first sheet for ToDo’s, because OneNote always starts when I work on the PC.

Photo by Min An from Pexels

Thing 13: Get (more) digital when presenting your work

When creating presentations, I have to make sure that everyone can read this information. To ensure this, I have to use standard tools. I have tried Prezi and it looks really nice, but for technical presentations it is not so useful. In this article I visited the Prezi site and found out that this tool is now easy to use in combination with Zoom and Teams. I will test these features soon. To ensure the international usability of my presentation I mostly use Microsoft Office programs.

For online training, Zoom to Teams is my most used tool. I chose Zoom because at that time it was the only tool that could also release the screen of my tablet for drawing sketches and also for displaying the functions within the APP.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Thing 12: Creating and Using Audio

I love to use podcasts. As a user of Apple smartphones, you have to use iTunes (now called Apple Music). With this program, I started to get more familiar with podcasts. I have subscribed to some podcasts. On this platform, there are not only audio but also video podcasts. One of my favourites here was ‎„Leschs Kosmos“. Some time ago I was travelling a lot by car and here stored podcasts were an excellent way to use the time while driving to listen to the explanations. At some events, I also got to know DJs whose music I liked very much. Some of them published their tunes on Soundcloud and so I also learned to like this platform. I also use this platform regularly to get to know different artists.

I have never used the soundcloud for studying, but I will try it in the near future.

I also never created an audio Podcast but I created some Webcasts for online training. In fact, this is a video podcast 😉

Thing 9 / 10: Finding images and edit them

In my blogs and also in presentations I write about various topics that interest me. In this case, I usually use my smartphone for photos to underline my explanations. To change the size, to modify them or to add text, I like to use Paint.NET. You can see the results of this work in the other part on my blog with this picture. It is very easy and intuitive to use. In my digital communication course at MCI, I heard about Pexels and Pixabay. Both sites are great and I like to use pictures from these sites in presentations and also in my blog. Another tool that I use a lot is I like this tool very much and it is also very simple and you can use many different icons and pictograms to explain different processes. It is much easier to explain and in my case, it is not necessary to translate into different languages.

created with and modified with

Thing 8: Power up your browser

Personally, I don’t like extension so much. If you are using a special function, it is useful to have a helpful tool that makes it easier for you to accomplish your task. If you use more different tools and each of them is very helpful, the performance of the browser speed decreases with each tool. Just like the saying, too many cooks spoil the broth.

I keep my browser, same as the whole PC simple and fewer tools as possible. Nowadays Systems have running too many tools in parallel.

Keep it Simple!

Photo by Paula Schmidt from Pexels